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Showing posts from January, 2018

The Natures of Men and Monsters Part Three: A Lone Wolf

Lower East Side -- 8:05 AM Jersey was not a happy man. He had been woken up in his little hole in the wall studio in some heap of an apartment complex in the lower side of town. It was early, his alarm wasn’t set to go off for another hour, but someone was banging on his door. He threw back his blankets and peeled himself out of bed, yelling to whoever the hell it was waking him up. “Yeah! I’m up! A second!” This seemed to be good enough for whoever was at the door and Jersey grumbled obscenities their way as he wiped his face with his hands. He grabbed at some pants he had lying near his bed and put them on before grabbing his phone. He turned it on and saw a text from Nathan, which was normal, and a missed call from Erica, the Pack Leader, about three hours ago. She didn’t leave a message though, so it must not have been terribly important. He half-stumbled across his room to the door and stood there silently a moment, sniffing the air. Whoever was on the other side ...