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Showing posts from October, 2017

I'm Not Scared of You

There’s a monster under my bed. It used to live in my closet, making clacking noises and calling my name, but last night I heard it moving, and now, tonight,  there’s a quiet chuckle coming from under my bed. This happens a lot. Every place I have ever lived has had a monster in my closet, under my bed, at the top of the stairs. I know how to deal with them though, I just have to remember what my mom always told me when I was a kid. I remember. I was seven, maybe eight, and I was scared of a monster under my bed. It only came out at night when the light was off, but it was as real as the bed I slept on. I was sure of it. My mom and dad were tired of it, and one night, after calling to them for the third or fourth time, my mom taught me a little saying that will make the monsters go away. To my surprise, it worked, and has worked every time. “I’m not scared of you.” I said, laying in my bed, covers pulled up to my chin. “I’m not scared of you.” I say again, slowly sittin...